Saute 1 finely chopped onion until nice and golden brown. Add in the ground ginger and garlic and cook until fragrant. Set aside and allow to cool for about 5 minutes. To the minced garlic, add the cooked ginger, garlic, onions, coriander, cumin, chili flakes, and paprika. Season with salt and black pepper.
Additionally, add the egg and breadcrumbs. Knead the mixture until it is nice and sticky. Scoop out about 2 tablespoons of the mixture and begin rolling it into a long kebab surrounding a wooden skewer.
Make the sauce by combining peanut butter, soy sauce, honey, and water. Simmer on low heat and stir until everything is well combined.
After about 5-10 minutes, the sauce will be smooth and thick. Serve the kebabs, drizzle the sauce and garnish with dhania. Enjoy!
Review Lamb kebabs served with a satay peanut sauce..
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